Imperfect circles

Imperfect circles (2023, short film)
- dedicated to sudden changes of light, fucked-up focuses, embarrassingly amateur shots & that time you almost set your room on fire -

Failed shots caused by the sudden change of sunlight, dangerous experiments like burning paper at home, manufacturing your props, using your blouse as a black background, editing in your room, finding unexpected, ridiculous and ingenious solutions to express metaphors, moods and stories. Using materials from my own archive, ‘behind the scenes’ of completed, ongoing and abandoned projects, my short film is a reflection on the beauty in this playful, stubborn, awkward, difficult, partly clumsy, constrained and essentially creative side of filmmaking. It feels like telling an intimate secret publicly.
'Imperfect circles' is an anthem to the indie, underground, low/no-budget, experimental, home-made & hand-made filmmaking, to an alternative history of cinema, and to those creators (often labelled as ‘amateur’) who dared to make films outside any system, who were completely devoted to their craft and found their own cinematic language regardless of all the obstacles and so-called rules of filmmaking.

[the initial version of this film was made at CineEuroConnect: A Collaborative Film Museum & Heritage Film Festival]


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